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What is the "I'm a GAMER Tour"?

Welcome to the "I'm a GAMER Tour"! With our powerful message, "Let's Live the Difference," I'm inviting you to join me on a transformative journey. Over the next 92 days, I'll be traveling across all 48 continental U.S. states, diving deep into how gaming influences mental health and sharing incredible stories from the gaming community.

This Tour is About Creating a Movement

Whether you’re a gamer, a mental health advocate, a parent, or just someone curious about the impact of gaming, there's a place for you here. Follow our journey, contribute your story, and help us grow our community.

Together, let's live the difference, let's reshape perceptions, and let's reach our goal of 1 million followers, spreading mental health awareness and the benefits of gaming far and wide. Join me on the "I'm a GAMER Tour" and be part of this exciting movement toward a healthier, more understanding world.

What I'm Doing On the Tour:

  1. Sharing Stories: I am on a mission to capture and share heartfelt stories from gamers who have found solace and strength through gaming. These stories aren't just powerful—they're personal testimonies that gaming is more than just a hobby; it's a lifeline for many. I'll be sharing these stories through daily live streams, social media updates, and in-depth content uploads.

  2. Educating and Inspiring: Throughout this tour, I'll engage with communities to spark discussions about the positive impact of gaming. I aim to educate and inspire by highlighting how gaming can be a significant tool for improving mental health. These live interactions will not only raise awareness but also help to dismantle the prevalent stigmas around gaming and mental health.

  3. Documenting My Journey: All the powerful stories and insights collected during the tour will be woven into a compelling documentary. This documentary will showcase the profound effects gaming can have on mental health and will serve as a key component in promoting further understanding and acceptance of gaming as a therapeutic tool.

  4. Empowering and Implementing: Using the data and stories gathered, I will develop a strategic blueprint to integrate gaming into mental health strategies across communities, schools, and workplaces. This blueprint will guide the implementation of gaming strategies that promote mental wellness, proving that gaming can have a real, positive impact on society

  5. Reach 1 Million Follower: A major objective of this tour and the documentary is to grow our community to 1 million followers by the end of the year. Every story shared, every live stream, and every piece of content is designed to engage more people, spreading the message further and building a larger, more connected community.

Why "Let's Live the Difference?"

This isn't just a tagline; it's a call to action. It’s about making a tangible difference in the way people view gaming. Through the "I'm a GAMER Tour," we're not just talking about change—we’re making it happen. We're living the difference every day, showing the world the true potential of gaming in enhancing mental health.

Invest in the Journey

With the help of OverSubscribe, you can invest in The GameStrong:LiveStronger Tour and me as a content creator and be part of something bigger. As the project grows, so does your investment, making you an integral part of our mission to change perceptions of gaming.

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Image by Henning Witzel



Tentative Dates

Please note that the listed tour dates and cities are tentative and may be subject to slight changes as the tour progresses. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as we tailor our journey to create the best possible experience.

  1. June 1st - Houston, TX

  2. June 2nd - New Orleans, LA

  3. June 3rd - Mobile, AL

  4. June 4th - Jacksonville, FL

  5. June 5th - Savannah, GA

  6. June 6th - Charleston, SC

  7. June 7th - Charlotte, NC

  8. June 7th - Richmond, VA

  9. June 8th - Washington, DC

  10. June 9th - Baltimore, MD

  11. June 10th - Philadelphia, PA

  12. June 11th - Trenton, NJ

  13. June 12th - New York, NY

  14. June 13th - Hartford, CT

  15. June 14th - Providence, RI

  16. June 15th - Boston, MA

  17. June 16th - Concord, NH

  18. June 17th - Portland, ME

  19. June 18th - Burlington, VT

  20. June 19th - Columbus, OH

  21. June 20th - Charleston, WV

  22. June 21st - Louisville, KY

  23. June 22nd - Nashville, TN

  24. June 23rd - Little Rock, AR

Tour Progress (Begins 6/1/24)


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